First steps

First steps

We would like to welcome you to your department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.

No matter whether you have just moved to the city or are a long-established Viennese; whether you already know a handful of your fellow students or are looking forward to meeting lots of new faces; whether you have already thought about what your start in university life should look like or you don’t actually have a plan yet; here is the most important information that you could well need for the beginning:

Your start of studies opens a new phase of your life and in the following link you can read when and where this begins. There you will find all the information about the introductory lecture, where the dean of studies welcomes you to the program and then students from higher semesters form small groups. The aim is to promote networking among fellow students and to clarify any unanswered questions about the start of your studies so that it is as easy as possible for you:

Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering – Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering and Management Sciences

Winter term 2023 – MB / WIMB

Process Engineering

Introduction to Process Engineering – Prologue

Winter term 2023 – VT

Now the question, who are we anyway: Together as the student council of mechanical engineering and process engineering we share the student council premises of the FSMB/VT at the Getreidemarkt. The place serves as a break room, coffee meeting, office of the student council and counseling center, if the shoe pinches in your studies or you don’t know what to do. Please note that this is currently only possible to a limited extent due to the Corona measures and that we will face the challenge together in order to make the best of it despite everything.

In addition, you will find a Discord server here, which we have set up to help you study and exchange information:

Until the start of your studies, we would like to give you some tips:

For example, there is the AKMATH:


where the Math Matura material is reviewed and deepened in a block. This always takes place in the last two weeks of September or during the first weeks of October, while you are studying.

However this text reached you, but in the future you should deal with the TU internal webmail for students and use it for requests to the teachers:


You already got to know the TISS better in the preliminary phase. Since it is a very comprehensive tool, here is an overview of how you can organize your courses and some more:


For TUWEL there is a separate course at the beginning of the semester, which you can attend if needed:

My start with TUWEL

With this, the most important things for the beginning are mentioned and we wish you a successful start into your studies.

Your Student Council Mechanical and Process Engineering
